Friday, July 08, 2005

A game of Hyd-and seek ??

It has been a really long time since i last blogged ... and the last time i had attempted it i had been put off by a truant keyboard with the most infuriating space bar that completely disrupted my thought process. So I thought maybe the higher forces of nature have something to do with this and maybe the Gods willed me not to blog. But this time there appears to be no such barrier between me and my long-lost friend- the blogger. So here i am. There was a time not-so-long-ago when i had started blogging with such frequency that not a day went by when i had not put a word online (as opposed to putting pen to paper that is) ... The increasing obsession with the blog was a little frightening when it happened and in retrospect i think it was a blessing in disguise that there was a break in it when it mattered ...

my major reason in blogging was to give vent to some of the pressures that i was under at that point of time ( read organisation of one phenomenon called Spring Fest ) .... and frankly speaking it was effective in that particular aspect ... of course there was the occasional tit-bit about the latest raging debates of campus life and some particularly unpleasant experiences in the classroom ... but let me come back to the point ... this summer i was in hyderabad for a two-month summer training in CCMB ... for the unintiated that spells out as Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology ... the work was hectic to say the least, with 6-day-weeks, and hours extending quite often beyond what is considered human hours ... but guess what ??? i actually enjoyed it ... i mean ever since i set foot in kgp i have got more and more disillusioned with academics or anything remotely associated with it ... and in this i was aided quite a lot by my dept and the sometimes appalling atrocities that go on over there in the name of teaching ... of what is supposed to be the "purest" of the sciences ... and in the midst of all the bitterness that was welling inside of me like a volcano about to erupt, this period in CCMB was like a breath of fresh air ... i WORKED more than i have in the last 3 years of college life ... but more importantly i LEARNT more than i have in the last three years in kgp ... and at the end of it i actually felt i have gained an invaluable insight into what i think i want to do in the future ... that i can safely say is something i had no idea about even a few months ago ... but this was not all ...

during this time i also had a chance to interact with a lot of people coming from a lot of different backgrounds ... summer trainees all, from all corners of the country, but amazingly like-minded in a lot of things ... we had a number of musical sessions accompanied by my old friend, the guitar, and a number of eager, if uncertain, voices ... its amazing how powerful music can be in breaking the ice between people ... one moment u have relative strangers sitting around in an awkward silence ... and the very next moment u have an enthusiastic bunch of people swaying to the strains of a well-known tune ... i guess music appeals to the sub-conscious and brings out feelings that would otherwise have lain below the surface ... hence i had people who considered themselves as "bathroom singers", opening up and singing along to some melodies, quite oblivious to whether it sounded off-key or not ... and somehow none of us seemed to mind ... coz at such times it is the emotions that matter and not the exactness of the tune or any of those rigid frameworks that exist in music ... that is when we actually realise the true significance of music as a force that binds ... a cohesive force that pervades barriers and opens the mind to the beauty of the world around us ...

all-in-all it was a great experience ... one that i would be eager to repeat given another opportunity ... and definitely one that i will never forget ...


Anonymous said...

Hi apratim
I'm Anath, not sure if u remember me from CCMB but i am from IIT-M, Uday's classmate. Well saw your blog name in the yahoo group and dropped in. anyway good job and i kind of agree with ur comments about iit teaching and what a difference the 2 months made.
well i guess in college time is always rushing by and evrything is done with a view on grades/gpa and not too sure whetther its the fault of profs or us or most probably everyone is to blame!About ur fest, yeah having seen shaastra and saarang at work(was an event co-ordinator in both last year) can defnitly agree on how busy those times are and also i guess immediately after them u kind of get a hangover effect right-life seems flat for the next one week. anyway how is kgp envoronment in general and have they started alrady?
Again nice blog, keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

hi anath

good to hear from you ... and too bad we didn't get to know each other while at CCMB ... as far as the kgp environment goes, its really good for all kinds of extra-curricular activities especially social-cultural events ... something we share with iitm i believe ... campus life has suffered after the invasion of the comps but even then the hostel life is a lot of fun ... the teaching depends on the dept in question ...
i completely agree with u abt the hangover after the fest thing ... in fact it extends well over a week for most of us i guess ... because of our obvious locational disadvantage we have to work extremely hard for all our sponsorship ... and so the end is something to savour ...
neway thanx for dropping by ... and hope we can keep in touch

Anonymous said...

hi apratim,
good job done.its really fantastic.
its really true that life out here in CCMB is totally different in comparison with our college routine.....ur words describing our awsome experience made me really see the whole of it in front of me ...u really write well n have the laudable art of expressing in words...goodbye

Anonymous said...

Ya Apro even I agree what we have learnt in these 2 months is really invaluable; seriously even i feel really good remembering this time when we have worked hard "beyond human hours" enjoying it, and simultaneously having a frolic filled time. I msyelf can nevre forget that.
and ya u write really well.

Anonymous said...

hey apratim!
First things first-great job done!What caught my eye was the title:) two months at Hyd sure taught us much more than college. n like u said- i saw soo many things in terms of research, that i didn't even know existed.Your fests by the way, sound like soo much fun--wish i'm able to be a part of it at least once! anyway, keep everyone posted about the latest.your blog sure makes very interesting reading!

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